It's the buzzword or ideal we all desire: "SUCCESS!"  It's a multi billion dollar industry in print, and online.  There are countless programs, books, methods, videos, blogs, podcasts, etc. all dedicated to the concept of achieving success.  Whether it be focused towards your career, your finances, your relationships, your goals, the finish line we all seek, the trophy we all are chasing, is success.


     Merriam-Webster defines success as: 1a. degree or measure of succeeding  1b. favorable or desired outcome (also; the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence). 2. one who succeeds.  A few synonyms of success are: winner, victory, treasure, *** and my favorite (because it reminds me of a delicious ice cream treat @ the nostalgic Friendly's Restaurant: "Jim Dandy!").  A few antonyms of success are: failure, catastrophe, flop, bomb, debacle.  Given these definitions, it's fairly easy to understand why we all seem to be driven by and focused on success.


    The million dollar question though is, "How do you define success?"  There are many many catch phrases or social media quips such as "success is a journey NOT a destination" or "success is following your heart OR living your dreams!"  The allure of thoughts or philosophies like these is that they are so intentionally vague or under defined that they can be easily manipulated into just about any ideal a person desires.  This lack of  concrete substance is often what fuels that billion dollar industry to sell so many honest seekers a false bill of goods.  For this very reason,  many people have become weary and disenfranchised in their pursuit of success.


     What if there was a "guaranteed" formula for success?  What if we found that ONE KEY to unlocking success to everyone that would desire it?  If only someone, somewhere truly knew exactly how to ensure success!  Wouldn't that be FANTASTIC?


     I'd be remiss as a Christian minister if I refused to tell you that the KEY to success does in fact exist.  It is somewhat hidden from so many, but it is there nonetheless.  Yes, you, guessed it, it's found in the Holy Bible and it may surprise you.


     The word "success" appears only once in the King James Version of the Bible.  It's found in Joshua 1:8-9.  It says this, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have not I commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."


     I like things that are guaranteed.  I like things that are air tight and sure,  The scripture clearly states that meditating upon the Word of God and knowing what the Scriptures call us to do & MOST IMPORTANTLY then DOING THOSE THINGS just like we're told, we then "WILL" make our way prosperous & we "WILL" have good success.


     If you are hoping for a better 2024, and sincerely desire to find success for your life in this year in a way that you've never known it before, there's a guaranteed way that works everytime.  Dive into the Word of God and make what it says come alive in your everyday life and GOOD SUCCESS WILL FOLLOW!!! 


Be Blessed!!!!!


Excerpts from Merriam Webster Dictionary & Insider Insights for Ministry by J Mark Jordan