As we launch into this brand new year of 2024, no doubt, many of us have decided to focus more attention on our overall health.  Exercise, Sleep, Rest, Relaxation, Organization, and Diet all come to mind as areas of focus as a new year dawns.  When intentional effort and energy is channeled into these areas, quick and dramatic improvement can be made in the area of ones individual health and these improvements can become lasting when that effort and energy is maintained.


     This same foundational principle applies into our spiritual lives as well.  Intentional, focused effort and energy channeled into our spiritual walk with God, produces dramatic improvements for us as individual Christians and also our collective churches as a whole.  God honors effort!!


     I know you're probably wondering right about now, "What on Earth does that have to do with SALAD?"  I'm glad you asked!!!  LOL


     Contrary to the popular belief of many of my carnivore loving friends and family members who proudly avoid this "Rabbit Food," salads are often times an extremely healthy food option when prepared as such.  The healthy options and opportunities are endless with tons of lettuce types, and vegetable and fruit selections, nuts, cheeses, dressings, etc available almost everywhere.  If your focus in 2024, is better overall health, a good SALAD is a FANTASTIC food option that can and will help you reach your goals!


    Now, you're probably asking, "I thought this was a Church blog, what does SALAD have to do with CHURCH?"  Again, LOL, I'm glad you asked!!!


     As a Christian minister, I believe that just like individuals feel the energy and excitement that a new year brings, so do congregations collectively.  Something about the dawning of a new year, brings an attention and a focus to improvement and growth.  The Church should intentionally channel its resources to achieve just that.


    For many, many years now, the United States has been called "the Melting Pot" of the world.  This term has been used to describe our country because of the numerous different cultures and ethnicities who have traveled from all over the Earth to make America their home.  For well over a century now, millions of individuals have traveled here from far and wide and have "melted" together as one.  However, in recent decades, the term "Melting Pot," is being correctly replaced by a more accurate term, "The Salad Bowl!"


     According to Jane Elliot, the teacher who famously conducted the "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" experiment, "We don't need a melting pot in this country... we need a salad bowl.  You want the vegetables, the lettuce, the cucmbers, the onions, the green peppers- to maintain their identity.  You appreciate the differences!!!"  Individuals each have unique perspectives, cultural tendencies and proclivities, as well as giftings and talents.  Our goal should not be to melt them together into a pot or crush them all in a blender so each loses their cultural identity.  Our aim is to create a vibrant "salad" that highlights the "flavor" each individual brings to the whole.


     The Church today is increasingly diverse in age, race, ethnicity, gender, socio economic status and other cultural diversities (music preferences, technological aptitude, geographical upbringings, etc.)  These diversities can be a source of division for the Church, or they can be a source of strength.  What makes the difference is the "intentionality" of the Pastor, the leadership, the members!  The focused effort and energy that works with every new years plan, works exactly the same here.  Focus, energy, effort, and intentionality make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!!!  What could seem like a mixing pot of contending preferences or differences can turn into a beautiful mosaic, (a delicious SALAD) that propels the Gospel forward in an increasingly post modern world.  


     I hope this blog finds you healthy and well and most of all "HUNGRY!"  Hungry for a better 2024 for you personally and for the Church of Jesus Christ!!  Make an intentional effort for improvement today and moving forward this year!  HAVE A SALAD!!!  They're delicious!  They're Healthy!  They're just what Dr. Jesus has prescribed for the health of your life and for His Church!!!


Be Blessed!!!


Excerpts from Mosaic Ministry Central "At A Glance"