I knew that title would get some folks to read this.  There's something about the thought of the "end of the world" that grabs the attention of people, especially Church people.  We use phrases like the "last days" and the "end times" to correctly depict the days and times we are currently living in.  So the question arises: "What Should I do?"


     As a Christian Minister, I have learned through a lifetime of gained experience, that whenever a question like "what should I do" comes up, my absolute best and hopefully FIRST response is to turn to the Word of God to see what He has to say about the topic at hand.  I've found this to be an extremely wise and always successful strategy to find solutions to life's toughest questions.  So, what does the Bible say about this?????


     To answer this blog question today, I am going to use the New Living Translation (NLT) and read from the writings of the Apostle Peter who preached the initial message of salvation on the Day of Pentecost in Acts Chapter 2.  Yes, it is this Peter, who Jesus Christ, Himself, gave the "keys of the kingdom of Heaven" in St Matthew 16:19, so I believe his thoughts may be beneficial on this topic today.  So, what does Apostle Peter have to say about the "end of the world?"


I Peter 4:7-9.... "The end of the world is coming soon.  Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers.  Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.  Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay."


     We are bombarded with messages, and thoughts, and opinions, and viewpoints regarding the days and times we live in.  The signs of the times are everywhere.  Because of this, we as Brothers and Sisters in Christ, should be ever more mindful of what the Word of God is trying to tell us.  PRAY!!!  LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!  EMBRACE ACTIVE AND ABUNDANT HOSPITALITY WITH ONE ANOTHER!!!  Be the Church God has called us to be, and in doing so, we will not only save ourselves, but we can become the light that this lost world needs.  


     Be Blessed!!!!